02 February 2009

[organize & talk: THANK YOU and Easy Local Dinners]

First off ... I have been literally OVERWHELMED by the wonderful response I've received about my new website and business: www.redhandedphotography.com . So THANK YOU to you all. It was a much scarier thing than I thought, putting myself out there - with a price tag to-boot. And I'm NOT hoping to be everyone's photographer *smile*. Many of you have a love for photography yourselves, or have someone who already does your photos. Please, please - don't ever think that I would be offended by NOT being your official photography *grin*. I'm sure there's enough business out there for all of us! I already have a number of events lined up now, and am really excited about a new creative outlet.
NOW - onto my exciting find today, and I tell you this whilst eating the YUMMIEST cheese and broccoli soup. And this is all thanks to my friend, CW. I was muttering to her today about that lack of cooking I've been doing while my husband's been away - that I haven't been eating healthy and how hard it is to cook for one adult and 2 wee ones.

She told me about a place in our neighbourhood called "FRESH GOURMET TAKEAWAY." So, I went while my eldest was in preschool and found it to be the GREATEST place!! There was a place where kids could colour while I looked around - LOVED that. And what they do, is they prepare a set menu (of about 15 entrees) each month, and they're made FRESH. Here's a couple of the entrees for February: Citrus Marinated Tuna Steaks, Almond Chicken, Chicken Mama Mia ... just to name a few. They come in large ziplock bags, made FRESH and you cook them at home. No preservatives. Essentially, they just do the grocery shopping and preparing for you.

But what I REALLY loved, was the fresh "t.v." dinners they had in their freezer. These are dinners for one with SO many choices ... freshly frozen, to simply be reheated. Today I bought "roasted Turkey with cranberry stuffing and fresh veges" and "Orange Marmalade Chicken with basmati rice and veges". These will be PERFECT for those nights that Lu's out and the boys are happy with fresh veges and dip with a tuna sandwich.

The "t.v." dinners were $7.95 each.

SO - if you live in my neck-of-the-woods, I SO recommend this place!! It certainly won't replace my own home-cooking, but for those nights when I'm like, "WHAT???" - I now know where I can go to get a HEALTHY choice for my family.

Isn't this GREAT??


  1. I can SO relate to the "cooking for yourself and two wee ones". It's actually one wee one because Braeden isn't really into eating dinner right now...you know how that goes :) Mike has just informed me that he "may" have to go out of town for 2 weeks...SERIOUSLY. I'm praying AGAINST that one..haha !!

  2. girl. how you do it, I'll never know. you'd better remind him often of how good he's got it *grin*!


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