20 March 2009

[digiscrap: Some Pages and A Little More ...]

Hello beautiful blogworld ...

Today is a dreary looking day, and a day that we've decided to stay in our pj's - maybe have pancakes for supper tonight *smile*. I love breakfast for dinner ...

Our home is doing well - my hubby's spirits are lifted, it seems. And although the pain is still great, I think the words of the doctor yesterday have really helped. His leg is setting - it's all going to be ok in time ...

Our Help has left for a couple of days, and things are still feeling less chaotic. I think I really just needed those few days to get on top of the things that had gotten out of control. I'm feeling more like myself ... I am so grateful.

It was lovingly brought to my attention that perhaps those who don't know me, may misinterpret my heavy week, and see my attitude as ungrateful for all that I have. *smile*. I appreciated these words, as it gives me an opportunity to maybe be a little more transparent and make sure that my heart isn't misunderstood.

I am 16 weeks pregnant. And for those who know the journey I've walked with Shalom, these next few weeks are very, very scary for me. I have an ultrasound scheduled for 2 weeks, and it has been heavy on my heart. That, plus the massive amounts of hormones surging through my body *smile* ... and the stress of not having a help-mate at all ... I felt that my blog was somewhere that I could vent. My home was chaos, and I don't do well with that ... so when help came, so did my sanity. And honestly, asking for help was a big step for me ... I like to do it all on my own. And I was so worried about miscarrying last week - heck, I am all the time - ... I was having to move large furniture for my hubby and his wheelchair, helping him up and down with his 40lb cast, being the sole parent for 2 kids for 12hours in the day, and having the wee one up during the night - probably due to the trauma of his papa's injury ... I just couldn't do it.

I want you to know, that I am sorry if I have sounded ungrateful or selfish. Sometimes, my blog is just for me, you know? I don't always think about YOU *sorry* ... it's a place where I can sort my thoughts and such ... so, if my attitude has bothered or offended you - I am sorry. Truly. But I also want you to know that all that I've written, all that I've felt, has been real for me. For the moment ... and perhaps later on I will look back and say, "What a wacko." Very possible.

So ... enough of that *smile*. For today, some digipages I completed a LONG time ago. And now I'm working on a new project that I had hoped to complete at the beginning of the year - a digital renovation of my mom's baby/scrap book. There's a bunch of scanning to do *smile*, but I'm looking forward to another creative outlet ...
OH! And I FINALLY uploaded my Cruise digipages to Costco. It's all done ... all 28 double-paged layouts ... can't WAIT to put it in a book!!

To you, I wish you a day full of wonderful things.

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