18 March 2009

[redhandedphotography: Site Update]

I've made some changes to my site www.redhandedphotography.com . There's a link to my redhanded photography blog now, and I've added a section called "Feature Wedding". I'm going to change that to "Recent Events" once I post more photos from upcoming bookings, including an 80th Birthday party I'm photographing next weekend.

If you stop by, and are interested in seeing 50 photos from last week's wedding, simply click the "Featured Wedding" icon, then click the wedding photo (it will look a little less strange once there are more photos to click different featured galleries).

You will need to be patient. There are 50 photos that upload - and it rotates to the beginning of the gallery if they aren't all loaded.

Would love to know your thoughts? ... a little nervous that only one person out of 130 hits yesterday, commented on the pics *grin*.

There it goes - my uneasiness rearing it's ugly head *grin*.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tawn,
    I'm guessing you must have one very happy bride and groom. You captured their day brilliantly. Absolutely gorgeous! I hope you're happy with your work - I think you should be! Congrats on a job well done :)


... just trying to eliminate spam bugs :-) ... thanks for leaving a comment!