31 March 2009

[talk: Yesterday's Surgery]

The surgery went well. Very well, in fact.

Yesterday was a long day, full of me asking for favours - only to have to call back and cancel them due to the whole fabric of the day changing moment to moment.

The day started out at as a normal Monday, with preschool and home stuff to be done ... then, at 11:30am I took my hubby to the hospital. He was told he may be bumped, but hopefully not. I came home for an appointment at 1:30pm and received my last text from my hubby at 2:30 saying, "I still don't know if I'm getting the surgery."

At 3:30, I decided to call the hospital and was told he was currently in surgery. WHOO HOO!!

I arrived at the hospital at 4:30pm, wanting to ensure I was there when he got out. Well - let's just say that I arrived in plenty of time *smile*. The first time I was able to see him was just after 8pm ... and I was told that the nurses had no information on the surgery itself. I was advised to go fill out my hubby's prescriptions while he was "coming to".

So, off I went ... and as I wandered around the Shoppers Drug Mart, I realized that I hadn't had dinner ... so I chose a healthy bag of winegums *GRIN*. I was diligently making calls to family and friends, trying to arrange for help at my home - I knew I couldn't get my hubby into the house on my own in his current state.

Back to the hospital I went, and my brother arrived shortly after - he was there to help me get my hubby safely into the van and our home ... then we were told that he may not be discharged after all. But there were no beds, so we wouldn't know for a couple of hours.

I was running out of steam, and was thankful for the crackers and ginger ale given by the nurses *smile*. They really were great to us ...

Long and the short - after about 20 minutes, my hubby was taken back to the recovery room (where we weren't allowed to go), and was to wait for a bed ... but he would definitely be staying the night.

I was relieved, because it had been such a long day, and I knew my boys would be up early in the morning - and I didn't know if I would have to attend to my hubby throughout the night. So - I went home, straight to bed at 10:30pm and now I'm getting ready to go back.

They won't discharge him until he can walk on crutches, and I have them at home. I'm to be at the hospital at 10am so the physio can teach him how to use the stairs and such ...

All in all - it was a long, but very positive day. Not a wasted moment *smile*. And the surgery went very, very well ... the surgeon was very pleased with his work *smile*.

A MASSIVE thank you to you all (or your hubbies) who were able to help out yesterday and during these past few weeks. Thank you to those of you who picked up my boys, or had them at your house for a visit ... thank you to those who called and checked up on my hubby throughout the day and kept him company through text messages ... and again, to those who were unable - we so understand, and are thankful for all of your friendships.

Here's to a sunny day ... in the rain *smile*.


  1. Glad it all went well Tawn!! Thinking of you guys!

  2. Glad to hear the positive update! Praying for you, your family and the little babe inside :)

  3. Fabulous report..now hopefully he can get on healing!

    And look at that, the sun came out for his arrival home!
    xo, *S

  4. So glad to hear the surgery happened, was a success, and now you are on the road to full recovery!!! Continued prayer through this next stage!

  5. Yay!! That's awesome. So great to hear. You must feel so relieved. You guys were at the pinnacle of rough mountain and, hopefully,now all will be smooth,downhill sailing.


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