10 March 2009

[talk: The Hubby, The Rink, The Ambulance]

What a day.

It started with a phone call from my hubby at 8:45am - just as I was walking out the door with our boys to music class. He was in an ambulance, with what was thought to be a broken ankle.

Every Tuesday morning, he goes to skating lessons - specifically to improve his hockey skills. It was a Christmas gift and was a 10 week course. Today, during a drill, he rolled his foot and slammed into the boards ... at least that's what I think happened.

It was a big day - full of wonderful help from extraordinary friends. JP - you are a God-send ... a true definition of friend. My husband and I are lucky to have you and your giving wife in our lives. RM - thanks for lunch at the hospital *smile*. The BLT was perfect, and so was the light conversation. You are a life-long friend ... so so loved. TP - thank you for loving our boys and watching them today ... they had so much fun and it was such a relief to not have to drag them around emergency today. THANK you, you continue to grow a special place in my heart. And to all of you who phoned, who let me vent, who sent emails and notes ... thank you. I let my hubby know about them all.

So ... prognosis? A broken leg. The front bone (shin) not only broke, but split all the way down to the ankle, which is why his ankle was in so much pain. Seriously - he was in SO much pain. Diagnosis? Well. This is what it looks like ....

AND ... he will have it for 4 weeks, then another 12 weeks with a shorter cast. No hockey for the rest of the season, and possibly golf too - but not sure of the time line on that. But for now - I'm trying to figure out our lives ... being 15 weeks pregnant, I'm so tired - but now I'm taking care of 3 ... and what I'm most worried about is, is carrying things: the laundry basket (I'll just have to bring it down before it gets too heavy), the garbage cans, carrying Josiah when I'm tired at the end of the night.

I'm trying to figure out how he's going to get to work. With the full cast, he won't be able to reach the pedal with his right leg. So, potentially, I could be doing the driving ... and the thing that scares me the most - is not having a break, when I need it. I know that family and friends will help, but you know how it is - the moment when you really need it is usually the moment when no one is around. That's just the way it is, I'm preparing for that *smile*. But, not having a help mate for 4 weeks, or longer, just scares me.

BUT - I know that he is a strong, proud guy *smile*. He will not like to be waited on for very long ... he'll want to get out and do things. And if he's going out for lunch with the boys, I'm sure he'll be ready and willing to help out. HA! He'd better!

So there you have it.

OH and the wedding I photographed this past Saturday??? SO fun ... and the pics? I took 2300 of 'em. And there are a lot of "winners" in that pile ... I feel GREAT about it ... I'll post more about that tomorrow.

Or maybe the day after that. Depends what tomorrow holds for me *smile*.


  1. Hi beautiful lady! So sorry to hear...been thinking of you all day. Please send your mailing address...would love to pop something in the mail from Ben and I (I'm sure my husband can come up with some entertaining words to make Lu smile, even at a time like this)! Sending lots of love your way...xoxo Kare

  2. oh dear -- I didn't even hear about this! I'm sorry that all this happened, I can't even imagine how you're going to function in the next month or two!

    Be sure to know that we're here if you ever need anything!
    xo, *S

  3. Oh my! That is just horrible - but isn't it nice when people jump in to help. I am so glad you have those friends. It will all work out for good, but I will be praying for you both. That is a painful sounding injury...BUT on a happy note...you are heading into the higher energy portion of most pregnancies! Lastly, do what I do when the laundry basket of dirty clothes is just too heavy...I throw it over the bannister in piles...aiming for the laundry basket below. The boys have fun "helping"...Janean

  4. ps. I'm dying to see the pictures from the wedding..just so you know!

  5. Oh Tawn, I had no idea. I am so sorry about this whole thing. I'll be praying for all of you, and would love to help in which ever way I can.
    As far as taking care of everybody...I know it's hard to imagine, but you will surprise yourself with what you are capable of. God never gives you more then you can handle. Just ask for help when you need it! Sending you all my love!

  6. Hey you!
    I'm so sorry...I know its not going to be easy, but know that we are here if you need ANYTHING! If you need dinner one night, just call. Or you need Tias to have an Uncle J date, I'm sure we can work something out, ok? Please just ask!
    Love to you both!

  7. Sending hugs to you and "get well QUICK" to Lu!!!

  8. Tawn, I'm so sorry to hear about Lu's injury. This is horrible! I will be praying for a speedy recovery for Lu and mighty grace and strength for you :-)
    If there is anything I can do to help just let me know.


  9. So sorry to hear about Lu's injury. We pray that he heals fast and you have the extra strength, patience and stamina you need to keep up with this new challenge in front of you. You can do it!


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