16 April 2009

[be challenged: Field Trip and More. Of Course.]

Yesterday's fieldtrip really wasn't as scary as I had thought it would be. Sometimes, for me, just IMAGINING things makes me panic - and I make a mountain out of a molehill. I so admire spontaneous people - people who's first reaction is, "No worries - I can figure it out."

I've always been a planner ... I make lists and make sure that I find the most effiecient way to do things and use my time. People who fly by the seat of their pants maybe don't get as much done, but there is a beauty in being flexible and a ready-to-go-attitude.Whatever the case, I DID do a lot of planning to make the fieldtrip work - and I'm so glad I did.

It was a glorious day - and the kids were all so well behaved on the bus, the skytrain, the seabus ... we even got compliments from other passengers on how good our group was. YAY!
On a side note - I wanted to thank all of those who chose to write comments regarding some of my recent thoughts on being His hands and feet. What He would do. And all of that. But I wanted to get you to read a particular comment by a life-long friend, Henri, and be challenged byhis thoughts. You can find his comment here. Just scroll down to the bottom ...

All this focus on this topic has affected my worship set for this Sunday's service. A few lines from a couple of the songs that continue to go through my mind are, " heal my heart and make it clean. open up my eyes to the things unseen. show me how to love like You have loved me. break my heart for what breaks Yours. everything I am for Your Kingdom's cause ...". If you're interested in hearing the whole song you, you can find it here.

Ok - SO sidetracked today ... here are some pics of the fieldtrip. Enjoy!

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