05 June 2009

[renos: Cleaning Up Tijuana]

We all have a "junk drawer" ... or room, no?

Well, I call the extra room upstairs, "Tijuana". Why? Because it's where all the junk ends up ... clutter, mish-mash, extras, hostess gifts, gift wrap, card making supplies, boxes of old photos - before digi came into play, broken things, things to be mended ... you name it, you'll find it.

But now it's time to face the music - so today, I am attacking this room. I won't lie - I have a deadline of Monday to have my entire mainfloor and upstairs void of trinkets and wall hangings. So that has lit the fire under my toes.

"Tijuana" is now going to be Josiah's room, and Josiah's current room will be the new baby's ... and I'm taking a bunch of pics to get the full effect. His new room will be painted next week (fingers crossed) and his new Cars bed should be in the week following, or two.

Bah-bye Tijuana.

For the full effect, I'm going to wait to post the "pre" pics ... trust me - it's mighty embarrassing. Especially over the last 13 weeks of my hubby's injury ... EVERYthing has ended up there. With the door closed *wink*.

It reminds me of an episode of "FRIENDS". Do you remember the one where Monica has a closet where it is jam packed with stuff and Chandler finds great joy that his wife has a junk closet? Well, the "Tijuana" room is kinda like that ... except neither of us are laughing *smile*.

On another note ... the colour palette keeps adjusting. Too grey, too green, too yellow, too pink. You change one shade, and the rest follow suit. Even the trim colour of white is enough to make me go cross-eyed. I mean, HONESTLY ... 50 shades of white to chose from? *sigh*.

But I shall choose, and I shall be happy with it. Right? *GRIN*.



  1. Oy, I have a junk room...it's my throw everything in there and deal with it on a rainy day room!

    Happy Renos!

  2. I believe every house has or should have a room like that. It just wouldn't be right to have every part of the house in perfect order. I believe if I ever reached that point, it would have to be in my heavenly mansion.

  3. I have a couple rooms like that because generally I have NO time to keep things spic and span. Oh well, once my kiddlin's are in school all day :( I won't even know WHAT to do with myself...SO, I'll deal with it then. For NOW, it's just time to hang out and love on my boys !


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