21 December 2009

[biggest loser: Another Weigh In]

WELL, rather than be disappointed, I'm going to be happy that I didn't gain anything this week ...

Weight:  140.8lbs ... same as last week.   Waist:  31inches ... down an inch from the last time I measured.  Hips:  37inches ... down 1/2 an inch from the last time I measured.

My goal for next week?  To not GAIN anything during the Christmas season!  *GRIN*

To all of you, I wish you a very Merry Christmas - full of wonderful things with your families and friends.  Sometimes this season is a difficult one, celebrating while living with broken relationships or passed on loved ones.  But I hope that you have Christ, the One to lean on - to give you strength and hope for every day ... not just during this Christmas season.  I'm realizing when I'm feeling sad or lonely, it's usually because I haven't been in His Word, and spending time with Him.  He is the only One that can fill the void.

Maybe it's been a long time since you've stepped foot in a church.  Or maybe you want nothing to do with "organized religion."  He doesn't need a specific format and can still meet you where you are, all you need to do is ask Him ...   He is the reason for the season.

Merry Christmas!


  1. I love this....HE is the reason for the season.

  2. Talented lady ... over and over again! Merry Christmas my friend. PS The digi-kit for your header, where and what is it? LOVE IT!

  3. Sarah! Didn't know that you stop by :-) - thanks for the kind words.

    Alex - it was a Little Dreamer freebie a while back - but I can't find the link. But I did find it in the shop. They're a collection of trees - and I just enlarged one for the left side of my header ... super quick - glad you like it :-).

    here's the link I found ... http://www.littledreamerdesigns.com/newshoppe/product.php?productid=1868&cat=0&page=1


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