12 January 2010

[redhandedphotography: W&C's Wedding]

First off - a big "WHOO HOO" to all of you who stopped to say an encouraging word about yesterday's post on "perspective". I had a bucket load of emails, and it certainly means a lot to hear such wonderful feedback.  So thank you for taking the time to do that and to let me know that I'm not just babbling to myself *grin*.

Today's post ... that's simple. I had the fan-flippin-tastic pleasure of being the photographer of Wayne and Chelsea's wedding on January 2nd. I took 2400 photos. Yup. Twenty-four-HUNDRED. I love, love, love to take photos. And I figure - the more the merrier - and the greater chance of getting specatular candid shots.

Here are just a few of my faves from the 500+ that I whittled it down to ...

To finish up this project, I just have to get them into a slideshow, finish up the coffee-table album, burn their pics onto a disk - and then start my next project that starts this Saturday with Newborn Pics.  Can't WAIT!

To see a whole bunch more from Wayne and Chelsea's wedding - please visit my redhanded blog by clicking here or by clicking the redhanded photography blog link on the right side panel. Thanks for stopping by!

And please let friends and family know that I am still have some room to take a few more bookings for 2010, if they're interested. Thanks!  All inquiries regarding dates and pricing can be made by going to http://www.redhandedphotography.com/  and clicking "contact".

Have a great one!


  1. LOVE the photos!! I had to go straight to the blog to have a peek =)

  2. I have the misty eyes...those are amazing Tawn!! What a gift you are giving the happy couple. capturing their day in such an incredible way!

  3. Well, what can I say, I still remember you as a 3 year old singin on the platform at GT. I am amazed at your photography. Very proud of you. I have now saved your website and contact info for all the brides I know getting married. Hugs


  4. :-) thanks everyone. as I said on my comment feed on the redhanded blog ... your encouraging words are the best "high five" ever!!

  5. Great Photo's! I also loved your post on Perspective! It's so true!

    I love reading what you have to say. You challenge me so often. Thanks!

  6. Those are amazing photographs. I used to think photography had nothing to it, but it's really something. Keep up the great work!


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