08 June 2010

[talk: STUFF]

SO much going on around here ... as I'm sure with all of you.  It's June, and that means chaos before summer break and we are so looking forward to that!!  And the sun's out today - so it actually FEELS like summer just might show up ... wouldn't that be nice!

A few things ... 

One.   I posted up pics of Todd and Jenna's wedding on my Redhanded Photography blog ... if you're interested, click here.

Two.  The book.  I believe I have contacted everyone who contacted me *smile*.  I am awaiting several confirmations before we get started on this together.  If you haven't been contacted, and are interested in being a part of this project, email me at tawnsblog@hotmail.com .

Three.  Simplifying my life.  There are so many things that I've got my fingers in ... and I'm finding that I need to put some serious structure around it.  The first thing I'm going to have to do, is say "no" to photography bookings and keep with my "3 bookings" a month.  It's hard, because summer IS the busy season, and I hate to pass up opportunities ... but there is SO much work and time that is put into  editing, album and slideshow making and meetings.  I have to start staying no.

Four.  I started running.  Well - I ran yesterday, and will run tomorrow.  I don't want to overdo it and wreck myself.  I have a goal.  I want to run first thing in the morning - clear my head - spend some time with the Lord - get a good cardio workout in.  But I have a couple of goals (big surprise).  One, is that I want to sign up for some 5k runs ... then 10k.  I can do it.  I know I can.

Five.  Well - there's really six, seven, eight and a few more, I'm sure.  I have posts on scrapbooking, pics I've done with my kids, weekends away, recipes and thoughts I have about the importance of our kids being in church.  But for now - I gotta get going.  I'll do those things, um ... later?

Busy busy busy!!

Have a GREAT one!!

1 comment:

  1. yay for running!! you can absolutely do a 10k! Completely doable!!! Enjoy the runs - they are a great way to start the day.


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