I'm back from my run ... 5km. And I'm not posting my time because ... because it sucked *grin*. BUT I am very happy that I did it ... and hoping that the rain holds off - at least every other day - so I can get outside and run ... run, run, run.
As I was running, listening to some incredible worship music, I knew I would have to come back and post - again. Because after km #3, I already felt victory. The music touched my soul, the wind cleared my head and the sweat - man, it feels good to sweat.
I realized that I can't take a break from taking care of myself. And I mean that in a physical, spiritual, mental sort of way. I can feel defeat when I'm not clear-headed ... and for me, that comes from not eating right, exercising and sleeping well.
These last few weeks I have been super-ty-dooper-ty busy ... too many eggs in too many baskets. And the first thing to go? Me. Then what happens? I get sick. Which means I'm too tired to do what I need to - take care of myself.
I'm thankful that God's mercies are new every morning ... that I can start over again. And fail again. And start over again and again. I also love how He takes the time to remind me of these things. When I ask, He is faithful to answer.
So - do I feel all those things I felt a few hours ago? Um ... a little. But not as much *wink*.
And Mary? Your comment was so life-giving ... thank you *smile*. (Mary's a past piano student of mine when she was in elementary and highschool ... and I just adore her.)
If you were like me this morning - feeling inadequate, irrelevant, overwhelmed ... stop, offer up a prayer and take a moment to make sure that you're taking care of yourself.
Have a great one!!!
amazing how you are able to wake up on the right side, by simply taking some time for God and yourself...feeding your soul!