08 January 2011

[talk: My 2011 "Word"]

A lot of my friends ask the Lord for a fresh thought for the new year, once the Christmas bustle stops.  I was so happy that I was introduced to this idea last year - and more thankful to God for giving me a word that really, really guided me through 2010.

Last year's "word" was PERSPECTIVE.  Oh, and it would come to the front of my mind time and time again.   Whenever I felt misunderstood, or judgemental of others, or tired or whatever ... perspective, the desire to look at a situation in different ways, really helped me.

You can read all about that here

So, a few weeks ago, I began seeking the Lord for 2011.  I don't know about you, but a lot of times I'm not sure which voice is my own, and which is the Lord's.  I'm definitely not one to say, "God told me this ... " - although I have done it a few times - when I was certain.  But I really didn't want my own desires to come flooding in and sabotaging the "word" that was meant for me.  I mean, how great would it be to choose a word that was all good?  Like "prosperity" or "blessings"  or "skinny" (ha! - ok - that was a joke, people).

But this word keeps coming back to me, over and over.  So.  I'm going to be brave and claim it and walk in it and see what how it guides my 2011.

The word is: intention.

A couple of different concepts came to mind with this word.  One, is to do things with intent.  Meaning, to do things to the best of my ability ... and I'd like to think that I do most things in life like that, but not always.  To be intentional, deliberate ... not flaky and wishy-washy.  It also means, to me, to prioritize - to intentionally plan my time with an outcome, to invest in relationships with a purpose, to make sure that my "to do" list isn't filled up with things that don't matter.

The other thought with "intention" for me, is looking at the word in a different perspective ( ... like how I did that? *wink*).    So - instead of me just doing things with intention, it's me checking my OWN intentions on WHY I do things ... 


I think this one will be rearing its ugly head time and time again for me.  Which is a good thing - but it may potentially drive me a bit mad.  See - I want to be deliberate on why I do things, to check my heart behind it.  Am I being a blessing, or just plain self serving?  Do I say/do things for accolades?  For the praise of others?  Or can I do things in private, without recognition.  Do I do things to get things in return?  Do I have high expectations, that leave me disappointed?  When I do things, is His heart the motivation behind it?

*breath out*

So.  The Lord knows that I am faaaaaaar from perfect, as does anyone who knows me *wink*.  And I know that by having this word of "intention" as my banner - I'm still going to fall flat on my face time and time again.  I know already, that I'm going to choose to ignore this word at times and try and negotiate for another word.  But you know what, God knows that too.  

I kinda think that I'm going to continue with the "perspective" word as well ... I mean, why not?  But adding "intention" to all that I do, checking my own motives and prioritizing the desires I believe are God-given ... looks like 2011 could be an amazing year for chiselling away more of the yuck that is "me".  

Have a great one.  And happy 2011 to all ... 


  1. Excellent thoughts Tania.

  2. such a great word! Leon and I talk about intentionality all the time! Mostly in parenting, we believe that if we are intentional about our words and actions, hopefully we won't screw up too badly! I'm sure it will be an intentional and great year for you!

  3. This is a great post Tania. What came to mind reading it was that living intentionally leads us to live with integrity. Thanks for being so open & sharing your heart. It's a blessing to be encouraged & reminded of the truth & God's desires for us.

  4. Oh Tawn, I fell over too!! My! The Lord giving us the same word for this year!! I love it! Now I have you to walk with me and remind me and share a year of intentional living together!! Love how you put it, to be intentional, deliberate ... not flaky and wishy-washy... to intentionally plan my time with an outcome, .. to make sure that my "to do" list isn't filled up with things that don't matter...for chiselling away more of the yuck that is "me"... amen!!!


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