07 February 2011

[talk: Me.]

This past weekend, I had the privilege of helping out with the worship at a Women's Retreat outside at Harrison Hot Springs.  I say privilege, because it always is ... although the first night was stress.full.  I have only one word:  theworstsoundsystemever.  Ok.  So I made that into one word.

I learned a lot of things this weekend ... one being, I MUST get my own sound system.  Praise God that my friend, LHF, was there.  Her sound system saved the day (after a long drive and gracious people going to pick it up).   I guess the problem is, is that I've been completely spoiled at our church and other places - all the boys love to help with sound *grin*.  So, us girls just sit back and let them do it.  Even when I was with a worship band that did a little bit of traveling here and there, the boys did the sound ... and now I wish they would've taught me instead of blessing me with their work!

Ah well.

It was a great weekend ... I did a photography workshop - basically "Photography 101" ... I did a 6km run ... I lead worship ... I took photos of different happenings that were going on ... and have come home pretty tired.  OH! ... and I was able to finally get some updated pics done for my new RHP website.  It's hard to find pics of just me - that aren't me in my running gear, or wearing a ski mask, or carrying one of our kids.  I pretty much only needed one pic - so it's such a gift to have a few to choose from!!  So - thanks NWR for taking time in your afternoon off to help me ... I so appreciate it.  

SO, where am I at today?  Well, I still need to "debrief" from this weekend ... I received lots of encouragement and am trying to process some of the dreams I have and figure out how to let Him open the doors without me kicking the door down.  Not sure how that works ... so I'll just keep waiting and asking.

Anyway - I'm off and running.  Literally.  Bundled up and off to do however many km I can ... and here are a couple of the pics that NWR took for me ... it was fun to "re-do" my "all about me" page of my RHP website ... I'm a little addicted to tweaking that site *grin*.

Hmmm.  I'm kinda all over the place this morning, aren't I ... 

So, be encouraged today, take another step towards your dreams, don't be afraid to push yourself or ask for help and most of all - know that His mercies are new every morning.  Man.  Am I glad for that.

And have a great one too *smile*

1 comment:

  1. Great weekend and great new shots of you - way to go N!


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