12 May 2011

[product review: ZUMBA Class.]

Well ... the first thing I learned this morning was I am definitely NOT Latino.  Oh, I've known for a while *grin* ... but every time I've been to Mexico or Central America  - or wherever Latinos rule - I somehow think I'm just about as cool as them.

Not so.  I do not, cannot move like a Latino.  At least not like the vixen of an instructor that I had the task of following today.  She had her hips shaking in ways that made mine look like they belonged to an arthritic senior.

Let me back up here ... I had decided to join my friend TP and head to the gym *dut.dut.dummmm*.  I HATE the gym. Everything about it ... from people acting like they're not self conscious when they really are, to the horribly lame music blaring, to just the grossness of people sweating on machines.   And what is it with guys thinking the gym is a good place to meet someone??  Blech.  Gross.

I'll take a run ANY day ... 

But ... I thought I'd give it a go.  I know that my workouts need some diversity - even though I'm plenty happy with my runs and Jillian DVDS.  So - today I participated in a "Zumba" class.    I had NO idea what this was ... and I have to say, I was pretty disappointed.  Sorry - but it's the truth.  The moves were repetitive for the entire hour class, the music sounded all the same ... the instructor wasn't really instructing, just dancing with her Latino ease.  And since I'm far from a dancer, I found that I spent more time trying to follow her rather than getting a good sweat on.

The songs stopped and started, as did the workouts.  There were times when my heart was pounding, but it was short and not even enough to make me wipe my brow.  And as I looked around, at all the different shapes and sizes of participants, I noticed the same for them too.  It just wasn't hard enough ... 

So.  I was disappointed because I gave up an hour in my day, and I felt I wasn't pushed.

... maybe it had something to do with the fact the room was so cold.  Maybe I did get a sweat on - but it was just too cold to tell *grin*.   My quads are sore, most of the dance moves are in squat position - but I've had a good week of running too.  They could be sore from that.  And the booty shakes she made us do? ... oh brother.  Seriously ... my itunes and the road are much more "me".

Afterwards, though, my friend and I headed to the weight room and did chest and arms ... and a little bit of abs on the ball, just for fun.  My arms are burning right now - so that's good.  At least I know something got worked on ... 

So - I have a week "free" pass at the gym, so I'll maybe check out another class or two with my friend.  But it'll have to be something with some serious cardio ... and a pitbull for an instructor.  If I'm giving up an hour, I want my body to be overheating.

My overall rating of the Zumba class was a 5.5/10.  I'm sure there are better ones out there ... 

Have a great one!


  1. Sorry to hear that you didn't like it! Sounds like the instructor wasn't pushing enough. I've done Zumba classes where everyone, including the instructor, was ready to fall over at the end! And we had a lot of fun doing it.

    Try a kick-boxing class. Those are usually pretty intense!

  2. Told you it would be good!!! I used to go to one at the Walnut Grove community center that was BRUTAL!!! One of my coworkers was a marathon runner and even SHE had trouble getting through the class. It's great cross training!

  3. Oops! Meant to post this on your boxercise post.... looks like my comment on your zumba post never even went through! weird.


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