06 May 2011

[talk: Short.Chick.Cop.]

Today I was reminded of something very, very funny that happened to me a long time ago.  And not only did it make me laugh (literally), it made me go crazy trying to find this ... 

"What on earth is that??" you ask.

And some of you may have JUST bust a gut looking at this ... 'cause you know exactly where I'm going with this.  Can you even believe I have this???

This, is a Super Chevy Novas cassette.  Yup.  A CA.SETTE.  I have the red one too ... the title has something to do with digestion *grin* ... Who are they?  Well - they were three guys, two were brothers - with one of them being a super close friend of mine.  We were in a worship band together - and he was also in this crazy band (the SCN) that was like none other.  THey wore muumuus when they played live.  Epic.  They wrote ridiculous songs, and died laughing as they recorded them ... and I was lucky enough to have a tune written about me.

Have you ever had a song written for you?  ... I've written a few myself - especially when I was a teenager.  Poetry became songs ... emotions became bitter words or heartbreaking "please come back to me" lyrics.  You know how it is in grade 7 *grin*.

But the song written about me wasn't exactly like that *grin*.  No lovey-dovey-wish-you-were-mine-kindof-a-song.  Nope ... this one was called "Short Chick Cop."

And the reason I thought of it today, was because I was subpoenaed for an incident that I witnessed last year and reported.  Obviously, I'm not going to go into that at all ... but this ridiculous song came into my head about when I helped catch some bad guys who stole my parent's vehicle over a decade ago.

I was actually with the worship band I was with at the time (the guy from the Super Chevy Novas was there ...), and we had just finished a gig at Club 3:16 ... My mom had left a message on my cel that my folks were stranded - they needed me to come and get them ... their jeep had been stolen.

I hadn't realized they called from a payphone ... 

Would you believe that all I did was try and call them back, and the brain-dead thieves answered the phone that was left in the vehicle?  I ended up talking to them - and actually got them to agree to meet me at a pool hall ... they told me where they were, the cops set up some tire spikes and BOOM.  Done.  So ... my testimony from that conversation helped convict them in court - and the song "Short Chick Cop" was born.

When you say the title you have to bang your head around like you're a crazy animal.

I hadn't thought about this in a long time ... and it made me grin from ear to ear today.     It really was a cool thing ... 

Felt like a ninja.


AND - let me mention that my lovely friend, CW, is being featured on my RedHanded Photography blog HERE.  If you're not sick of desert photo shoots, go on over and leave a comment letting her know how lovely you think she is *grin*.  Girls like that.

Now?  I finished a new Jillian DVD ... 50minutes of ridiculous exercises that I'm pretty sure are going to bring me pain tomorrow ... hopefully I can hold my camera for tomorrow's wedding *wink*.  Exercises called, "surrender", and "squeemers" and "row planks".  I.WAS.DRIPPING.  And shaking.  Definitely different from a 10km run ... 

Ok ... Katia will be up soon ... better down my shake and get cleaned up!

Have a GREATone.



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