02 May 2011

[talk: Happy Birthday to Me.]

Ok.  I have had the most amazing few days ... ah.may.zing.

My birthday was on Saturday, and my hubby (and my friend's hubbys) let us head down to Scottsdale, AZ for a few days.  It has been full of sleeping in the sun, shopping and trying on clothes that are crazy, dinners out with small surprises ...  perfection.

And one of the most ridiculous things we did was have a photoshoot - actually, a couple of them - out in the desert.  I love photos (duh) and I thought it would be a nice thing I could do for them - taking portraits ... when do stay-at-home-moms get to do that??  Awe come on - what could be MORE "mid-life" then acting like models while people walk by thinking we're just a bit odd.


And let me tell you how much you laugh when you're trying to pull a "vogue".  It's ridiculous.  But my friends are so beautiful ... 

I'm going to do three separate posts on each of my girlfriends on my RedHanded Photography site over the next few days ... but not now.  Now, I have only a few more hours of sunshine before I have to deal with repacking my bag and setting the alarm for 5am to catch our early flight tomorrow morn ...

Wanna see a couple of pics??  ... don't worry - the girls are sunning beside me and have given me permission *grin* ... trust me - they're checking what I put up on here *grin*.  I think they have their own favourites.  Only a few million to choose from when you look like this:

... see what I mean??  Ok.  More.

... we had so so so much fun.  And I was up early editing the pics.  Like 6:30am.  I was happy to have some creative juices flowing ... and seriously.  How lovely are they???

... and I really wanted pics with my friends too ... so the camera got passed around and it became a bit of a tutorial on photography.  THAT was fun too ... 

... um.  Yeah ... and there were a few of me taken too.

So.  Not really what we've been doing the whole time *grin*.  But such a crazy, girly thing to do.  These images will remind me of  some of my most favourite memories of my bday weekend.  

Thirty-seven isn't looking so scary right now.  A loving family, lovely friends - how I wish I could've included everyone - , Jesus becoming more of my everything, a job that breathes life into me ... 

Happy birthday to me.


  1. This is SO fun! I love that girls will ALWAYS be girls! :)

    You and your friends are all GORGE!

    I just love this!

    Mary xo

  2. LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY!!!! You girls Rock! And are hot mamas to boot! Happy Happy Day!xo*S

  3. The one of you jumping is the.best.ever!

  4. Tania, you look AMAZING! What a fun thing to do for your birthday!

  5. Ps. Tawn, that little hot skirt you're wearing is out of this world - brave I tell you, but you sure can pull it off!

  6. Shawna ... brave, maybe. crazy - for certain *wink*!!


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