09 August 2011

[redhandedphotography: Lise & The Girls.]

I have a "to do" list so long, that if I type to long on here and leave it, I'm afraid it will somehow procreate and grow into a bigger list of things I won't possibly have time to finish today ... 

It's great to be alive *grin*!!

SO ... 

Instead of an update, a "fave things" list, a new recipe, a reflection on things that God is reminding me of ...  instead - a photo session on my RedHanded Photography blog ... HERE.

And a preview ... 

Come drop by, leave a comment, say "hello".  You can join the blog there too - simple to do, and it'll keep you updated on all that is RHP.

Hope you have a good one ... I'm off and running.

Literally *grin*.


  1. Your Halarious - It looked great but don't quit your day job lol.. your are more adventurous than I, i'm very impressed!

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... just trying to eliminate spam bugs :-) ... thanks for leaving a comment!