04 December 2011

[talk: The Bike Park.]

Every Christmas I give my my mom and mom-in-law a photo album from the kids.  I got smart last year, and simply uploaded my digiscrap pages into a 12x12 Blurb book and it was PERFECT. But this year, I have somehow fallen behind my own personal scrapbooking (gee - I wonder why?) and am frantically trying to choose pics to digiscrap so I can order these albums and have them here on time.

That means that I also have to edit and have the pics READY to scrapbook.  I have hundreds of photos of things going on around here ... so I'm having to be pretty choosy.  And so last night, I was on a mission to get some done - and I did.

So ... I thought I'd share some of the pics ... that are in the process of being digiscrapped *grin*.  Those pages to come ... 

But first ... the bike park.  This was the HIT of the fall ... after our 7 year old FINALLY got brave enough to ride his two wheeler.  I think the pressure of our 4 year old riding HIS two-wheeler was some good incentive *wink* ... 

There's a bike park close to our home ... and the boys would BEG to go, rain or shine.  And we would go.  My hubby even brought his own bike a few times *grin*.

It became the place to go after dinner ... and great motivation for the kids to finish up their food in a timely manner *grin*.  Even Katia liked the park.  She did a lot of climbing ..

And now, it's wet and cold ... and we will have to wait until the spring to go again ... and honestly?  I can't WAIT for them to get out there again and challenge themselves.  I love it when exercise wins *grin* ... 

Have a great one!

1 comment:

  1. that looks like the cloverdale athletic park? i took connor & amelia over there the other day...a little difficult to ride around on his 2 wheeler w/training wheels...but he had fun nonetheless :-) such a great place for kids!


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