20 January 2012

[cool products: Things I'm Loving. Now.]

** this was written on Thursday, January 20 2012 ... and as a little update, after last night's worship practice and the kids tucked into bed, I watched "The Biggest Loser" and circuit trained with the stationary bike, free weights, floor-ab exercises and jumping jacks.  Felt MUCH better after some sweat.   But, my sugar addiction is calling me ... **

A few things to start off ... 

I am, once again, addicted to sugar.  I actually had a mind-blowing headache this morning, and popped (literally) 8 halloween-sized chocolate bars in my mouth.  One after the other.  And now my headache is gone.

How sick is that??

The cold weather isn't helping (it's -6Cdegrees here).  It makes me want to eat carbs and do nothing.  Well ... nothing, in a form of exercise.  So annoying since I was just starting to get back into running last week.

Why is it such a battle?  Some days I have such control ... only to lose it, along with all dignity, the next day.  One moment I feel wise, the next ... a fool.

Ah yes ... life.  Just keepin' it real here ... and I'm going to start again.  Right now ... and I'm going to brave the sugar-headache.  I think.

ANYway ... onto what I really wanted to write about ... 

FUN things *grin*.

Now ... I'm far from a beauty, far from a style-diva.  But there are things that I've found as of late that I'm really loving and thought maybe, just maybe, you'd like 'em too.

Skin Tint FX:  This is a mineral-based makeup that has literally change my perspective on makeup.  See ... I've been using a moisturizing SPF tint for years now ... and within a couple of hours, I was shiny and icky.  I was told about this product from the girl at Shoppers Drug Mart and WOW.  I bought it just before the Christmas Production and was AMAZED at how I never had to retouch ... even between shows.  My make stays, matte, all.day.long.  And it's SPF 30.  TRUE.  (Mine is in colour "E" ... light.)

Conceal FX:  Why.  Of course, the perfect match to my new skin-tint-mineral-makeup.  And seriously.  This stuff actually CHANGES colour to match your own.  No lie.  I'm amazed every time I put it on ...

L'Oreal Infallible Lipgloss:  This winter I had a "look" *blush*.  I know, it sounds silly.  But I loved the ruby-red lips and gold-glitter eyes for the Christmas season.  This lipgloss is fantastic.  It doesn't move.  Not even after singing for 2 hours in the Christmas production *grin*.  It can feel "sticky" and isn't really a moisturizing balm, but hey - it stays.  I like #315 in "Rebel Red".

TippyThai Handmade Bags:  I found this shop on Etsy and ordered this amazing bag!!  I love it, love it, love it.  It's made out of "wipeabe" material, it's grey and red ... lots of zippers.  Oh, it's so great.  It was lovely to toss out my ripped-fake-leather-icky-bag.

Slumdog Millionaire:  Ok.  I just might be the only person in the world that hadn't seen this movie, but last Saturday night my hubby and I put on NetFlix and watched this incredible film in amazement.  Wow.  If you haven't seen it - it's disturbing and wonderful all at the same time.  I really enjoyed it ...


That's it for now ... and if you haven't already - head over to my RedHanded Photography blog HERE for a chance to WIN a coveted cowl scarf by the amazing Nicole Roberts Designs.

The winner will be announced on Wednesday, February 1 2012.  Thanks for entering, and be sure to follow the contest RULES to be eligible to WIN!

Have a great one!!


  1. I live under a rock and have yet to see slum dog millionaire! Ha!

    Have a great weekend! Xo*S

  2. I love the "FX" line from Shoppers...I use the foundation and setting powder and its the best by far! I compared it to four different high end brands from Sephora and nothing beats it...great stuff.

    As for the movie...add me to this list of those living under a rock or in a hole somewhere...*sigh*....I have yet to watch it.

  3. :-) .. well. Glad to know I'm not the only one living under a rock ... but you two REALLY need to see this movie. And Lisa - I'm glad the FX line beat out the competition, in your books! That way, I won't have to go out and try them all myself :-).

  4. All I can say is yay for samples at Sephora...or it could have been a pricey experiment!

    Movie: yep, adding it to my "watch" list! Thanks.


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