03 February 2012

[make: New Blog.]

SO.  For years I've thought my friend, Char, had it going on with her "Entertaining My Way" blog.  It's a place where she uploads recipes - so she has access to them wherever she may be.  She doesn't publicize them ... it's for her.  And anyone else who's lucky enough to know the site's there.

You should check it out ... her recipes rock.  

Well.  Last night, I spent my quiet evening trying out my own little "recipe box" online.  And by the end, I created "MAKE by Homemakingirl".

The idea is that this will be where I upload recipes from now on.  They will all be tried and true. They will be recipes that I've had in my recipe box, or stolen from my mom's ... or maybe even from you *grin*.

I do not claim rights to these recipes, nor to the photos that I found randomly online.  Again, this is for me - so I can have my recipes wherever I may be - but you are WELCOME to come and check it out ... 

The link is:  http://www.makebyhomemakingirl.blogspot.com

I'm kinda excited about this ... mainly because it means I can do away with the "re-writing the messy cards of my recipe box" project that has been hovering over me for years.

Obviously, it's still in the baby stages.  Last night I put all the recipes from THIS blog, onto that one.  And over the days and weeks, I'll be continuely adding recipes from my recipe box at home.  I'll be sure to let you know when new recipes have been added.

If you stop by, please let me know what you think *smile* ...

Have a great one!


  1. Love this idea! I wander around my blog searching out recipes I've posted...your idea is SMART!!

  2. ... can't take credit for the idea ;-) ... but it IS a smart one.


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