Ok. Relax. Yeah, yeah - the title's a bit much *grin*. But hey - I had wanted to be a journalism major many moons ago ... sometimes the writer in me gets a bit cheeky *grin*.
Where have I been? Oh, you know ... twiddling my thumbs - wasting time - watching paint dry. HA. No, of course not. Life has been full - and it's now 11:22pm on Monday night and if I don't get THIS in today I'll be really mad at myself. I love to blog ... and so here I am. Blogging.
So much to write about - but tonight I will just type that I had a lovely day with my mom. Yes - I was unable to spend actual "mother's day" with her on Sunday, so today I took her to White Rock for lunch, for a walk along the ocean and to a kitchen specialty shop for a brand-new teapot. It was a lovely few hours full of laughing and talking ... catching up, asking questions, watching a stunning view while munching on exquisite food. And after lunch, we walked arm in arm along the pier and I even asked someone to snap a photo with my IPhone.
It's funny what moments we remember, isn't it? No rhyme or reason ... but this lady painstakingly took a few photos with my phone, and as she handed it back, my mom said - "oh, my daughter's a photographer" ... and honestly? It was profound.
My mom is an RCM examiner. Basically, she's pretty darn high up in one of the most known Canadian music schools. I had been following in her footsteps, with three music degrees under my belt, and my own thriving music studio. Then, we lost Shalom ... everything went spinning - and I found myself in a place of recreating who I was, in the photography field.
It's only been recently that I've felt confident and non-apologetic for saying "I'm a photographer". I was always like, "... I used to be a piano teacher. I'm qualified. I'm educated ... I was doing really well *yadayadayada* ... and now I just do my bit - some people like my photos, some don't. It's ok - you don't have to ... I still really like it ... " with my head hung down. I've felt like people just roll their eyes with my career change - I mean, can't anyone be a "photographer"?
But today, my mom told a stranger that I WAS a photographer. Not that I "used to be a piano teacher", or my qualifications or whatever. She seemed proud of it ... and for some reason, her words made me feel like I was legit.
Isn't it funny what different people can say, how they can say it - that makes all the difference? Words are so much more than power. They are life ... or death. I've been learning a lot about words ... watching my own kids with what they say and what's said to them, watching people stand tall - or be struck down - by the words others say to them ...
Hmm. It's a big thing ... and I'm much to tired *yawn* to go much more into this. But. Basically all I wanted to say was that 1) I had a great day. 2) I'm so glad I got to spend time with my mom and 3) validating words bring life.
Not the most amazingly written post ... my English prof would be eye-rolling at the "all-over-the-place-ness" of my thoughts. But I don't care. I'm not a writer.
I'm a photographer.
love this...all of it!