I've been thinking of this post for a while now ... I'm not just a serious-girl-about-about-God-and-church. I am capable of writing more relaxed posts *grin* ...
I have a BIG birthday coming up this week ... Wednesday, actually. My hubby threw me a crazy-overwhelming-surprise party that I'm STILL getting over, this past Friday night. My beautiful friend, Mel, photographed the whole thing - once I get those images, I'll be sure to post *wink*. I have so much to debrief on that ...
So - because of this whole "40" thing - yes - I'm turning 40 (I canNOT believe I just typed that ... but it's true) ... I've been getting a whole lot of, "you sure don't look forty" comments. I've been asked if I have any secrets.
But they're not unknown secrets ... and truthfully, most tricks started back when I was a teenager, so if you were to start now, I just don't know?
Here is how I try and "stay young".
1. Running: I've been a runner for a few years now, and although I'm not always motivated to do it, I can run a 5km in under 30minutes and get a good sweat on. Sometimes I go further, up to 10km. Sometimes I sprint and only do 3km. I love it when I do it ... which is usually a couple of times a week at most.
2. Clean Eating: Now this is only something I've been doing for the last month, and it has CHANGED me. Truly. It's something that actually works - and has changed how I viewed food. I eat food that is unprocessed, although I will eat packaged food if I understand all the ingredients, and generally if there are five ingredients or less written on the package. I will not eat anything made with white flour, refined sugar, or corn syrup in it. Period. And in 3 weeks, the numbers haven't changed much on the scale, but I'm down 1.5 inches around my waist and hips. I LIKE that, very much.
3. WATER: I drink lots of water ... and lots of tea. Buckets of it.
4. NO coffee: I stay away from caffeine in general ... it dehydrates me, and Lord knows I don't need a stimulant LOL. Yes, I know tea has caffeine in it - but I prefer rooibos and herbal which have little to no caffeine.
5. Sunscreen: I have been wearing moisturizer with sunscreen since I was 12 and my mom took me to the local Shoppers Drug Mart to get me a skin-care regime. I am SO thankful for that. It taught me how to take care of my skin at an early age - and prevent things, rather than trying to correct it.
6. Skin Care: I NEVER, EVER sleep with make up on and I always clean and moisturize before I go to bed (actually, I moisturize all my skin most nights). I don't think I've ever missed a night in my life. Truly. I'm working on a post about my current "fave things". My night moisturizer is on that list ...
7. Great Sex: Oh my mother will DIE if she reads this. But here's the truth ... I'm a happily married, grown woman, mother-of-three ... and I really, really love sex with my husband. I instigate it often. I'm a huge fan. I know I'm not the norm - some of my friends roll their eyes at me. But there. I said it. You're all blushing now ... get over it *grin*.
8. Invisiline: About 5 years ago, I did invisiline on my teeth (basically, clear braces). I get so many compliments on my smile now ... and I NEVER used to. I'm convinced it's because I straightened my teeth and am no long too self-conscious to smile.
9. Teeth Whitening: I did this through my dentist after I finished invisiline three years ago ... and people still say I have white teeth. The truth is, I have healthy-teeth-genes (my 85 year old nana died with ALL her own teeth) ... so I have strong teeth, whitened teeth.
9. Young Friends. Old Friends : I think it's important to always learn. I have mentors, and I mentor. Having older friends who are ahead of me in life, helps teach me what's important and gives me ideas on how I want to live. Having younger friends helps me stay current - what's in fashion, what's happening in technology - new ideas, different ideas. I love old and young friends.
10. Low Stress: I think this is true - low stress keeps you young. My hubby and I downsized our lives a couple of years ago - with full intentions of getting ready to build and take on a bunch of exciting stress. Now? We don't know when, or if, we will build ... but right now, it's calm and stress-free. I love that.
11. Sleep: I'm a good sleeper. I sleep 7-8hrs every night. No tricks there.
12. Good Genes: What can I say? My mom looks KILLER for her age, no one would ever guess her actual number. There's no trick in that ... I'm just lucky.
13. Being Short: Don't laugh, but I think this is true as well. Being 5ft tall makes people think I couldn't possibly be finished growing yet LOL. I do hate the "cute" thing, I would love to be one of those tall, stunning, women that people call "beautiful". But. I'll take "cute" if it lasts longer *big grin*.
14. Worship and God Time: Worship soothes my soul, and I believe what's inside of your heart, shows completely on your face. God time is a MUST. And I believe that Jesus makes everyone beautiful.
So ... there you' have it. What a silly post, now that I've written it ...
Have a great one!
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