20 November 2008

[talk: Celebrating Our 10th Anniversary]

WOW. Ten years.

It is almost unfathomable to think that on this day, ten years ago, I would be making a vow that would change the rest of my life. And it's been good *grin* ... a lot of ups, some downs. But as I look back on the past 10 years, I can say that we've made some great choices that have lead us to a life that is truly blessed.

Our story began with me playing for a Manitoba Floods fundraiser, after being asked by LL if I could play for him. There, I met the most cocky guy (or so I thought), rambling on the phone with his crazy spiral curls. His name was Luigi. And I was not interested. I had a boyfriend of two-and-a-half years - who about 4 weeks after that meeting, broke up with me and shattered my heart.

He broke up with me on a Friday.

Deciding that I needed to get out of the "ooo - what happened with you and ****", I accepted an invitation by LL to come to his church and help out with the music there. So, I went on Wednesday. And re-met Lu. He and LL asked my friend and I (I sure as heck didn't show up on my own) out for coffee.

After a couple of weeks of "group dating" (I was 23, but STILL ...) Lu asked if I would consider making this a permanent thing, he and I. I told him he needed to ask my father, as I had just come out of a long relationship, and wasn't sure if that was such a hot idea yet.. So - before we had even gone out on our own, he and I - along with my parents - sat down and Lu began to ask my father for permission to date me. And he finished his speech with, "Mr. S******, I want you to know that I will not be wasting your time. I intend on spending the rest of my life with your daughter." Um. PARDON? Shouldn't we go OUT first?? Um - do I get a say in all of this?? But no, *grin*, he pursued and conquered. That's the way he was and still is. And 9 months later we were engaged ... and 9 months after that, we were married.

Our wedding was a beast that had a life of its own *grin*. We had 347 guests - everything was "over-the-top". I planned every detail - and it came off without a hitch. The reception was so fun and one of the highlights was a sketch put on about our dads. It was SO hilarious, that we didn't want it to end. My nieces also performed, we had a quartet of man-friends do Southern Gospel music, and our MC's were just the best. And the ABSOLUTE funniest?? When my uncle prayed for me and "Luke" before the dinner was served. Um. His name is LU. SOOOO FUNNY!! The video is priceless ...

But now, we're very different people ... and we would probably get married somewhere hot in bare feet with close family and friends there. My dress would be simple. The money would be spent on photography not on rental of the biggest church in town. But our wedding was what it was *grin*. Everything becomes outdated eventually. I just never thought our wedding would be!!

Our ten years together ... we've accomplished so much, experienced so much ...

We've traveled to: Washington State, Oregon, California, Arizona, Hawaii, Florida, Puerto Vallerta, Cabo San Lucas, Loreto (Mexico), Mazatlan, Cozumel, Haiti, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico, St. Maarten, Frankfurt, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tallinn (Estonia), Riga (Latvia), Sochi (Russia), Rome, Venice, Ischia (Italy), Salzburg (Austria), Fiji, New Zealand.

We bought our first home in 2001, and moved to our current home in 2004. Our first son was born at the "5 year" mark and our 2nd son was born 2.5 years after that.

We've had our tough times - in our second year of marriage Lu was in extreme pain and told to have spinal surgery. That was a very difficult time ... but he was healed *yay God!*. And we learned about trust and faith. The hardest, though, was definitely our experience with
Shalom. But as I look back on it, it was probably the closest my husband and I have ever been with each other. Tragedy does that, I think ... either pulls you together or drifts your farther apart.

... I love this photo ... see the bump? I had JUST found out I was pregnant with our firstborn a few days before, while we were in New Zealand. This photo was taken in Fiji.

Some of my favourite memories - aside from the birth of our two boys - were the dinner parties we hosted in our first home. We would choose 4 couples, usually mentors, on a monthly basis and serve 4 course meals by candlelight ... those conversations and times together were really special. In our first 5 years of marriage we had SO many dinner parties, SO many people in our home. It was exactly how we wanted to live.

Another highlight for me was when my husband and I went to Italy after our Russian Missions trip. We traveled by train through Germany, Austria and Italy. Those hours and hours together, playing Canasta, laughing, learning ... truly a highlight. Seeing Venice and walking the streets of Salzburg, looking for a place to eat where we could read the menu (German's a hard language!!) ... these were very special times for me.

Our family, friends, church - they have all played a dynamic role in who we are today. To be married for ten years, is something that couldn't be done without being accountable to wonderful people. I joke that 10 years here is like being married 50 in Hollywood *GRIN*. So thank you - to everyone.
For our anniversary, while we were on our cruise a few weeks back, we both purchased each other Anniversary Bands ... such a luxury and the memory of that day will always be so special. The conversations we had, the reminiscing ...

So, I'm proud of what Lu and I have created, with the grace of God. Our lives are good and we are truly blessed. My husband is a good man - not without his faults *laughing* as am I, but we're a good team. We have the same goals, the same love of family, friends, hosting, the same "we're in this for the long haul" and there is a a safety in that. I often joke that he'd better not leave me, because it would be too hard to convince someone else that I'm worthy of sticking with *grin*.

So what are we doing to celebrate? We're going to put up our Christmas decorations, have some family time, and maybe watch flick in the glow of the Christmas tree once the kids are in bed.

But first, this afternoon, I'm off to honour a legend - our Pastor's father passed away and his funeral is today. This man was our own pastor for many years before his son, our current pastor, was voted in. Strange to think that 10 years ago we were starting our lives together, and exactly ten years later, we would be saying to a man who lived a good life as a man of integrity and wisdom. That's the way life goes, I guess.

Who knows what God has in store for us - maybe more blessing, maybe more tragedy - but for everything, I give Him thanks.


  1. Congratulations on 10 years Tania! What a great journey the Lord has brought you through. I pray the next 10 years will be filled with many more blessings over your lives :)

  2. Congrats on 10 years! That is truly amazing! And thanks for the fun recap of the past 10 years. I'm particularly impressed with your list of travel destinations! God Bless!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on your first 10 years. Here's to many, many more years of happiness!

  4. Happy Anniversary - Wow how time flies!!!


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