20 November 2008

[talk: Pet Peeves]

Why, hello there *grin*.

Things have been going well 'round these here parts ... our calendar is starting to fill up, which I actually like. I mean, not EVERY day, but it's nice to have places to go, and people to see. The Christmas Season seems like a good time for that.

Last night I went out with a couple girlfriends after a Women's Event at our church. What a HOOT *although my head was stuffed up and I kept yawning - so lame!* and it was great to catch up. One of my friends, DG, she's a blast from the past. She was actually the first person to befriend me at my church, back when I was 11 years old. She was a year older, so beautiful and friendly - and it's been really lovely reconnecting with her. How FUN to stand outside our church, in the cold at 10o'clock at night and LAUGH about being teenager ... where we drove around the parking lot, who we kissed in the back *laughing* ... so innocent, so free from responsibility, so fantastic. And our other friend, TP, she actually married a guy who DG and I grew up with during those years. So she laughs when she hears the tales of her man - and all that our memories hold. Thanks girls for a GREAT night - next time I'll be a bit more with-it and my head will be clear!!

SO - why my Pet Peeves as a topic? Oh, I don't know ... to vent, to laugh *grin*. Maybe you'll be able to agree with me on some of these *laughing*...

1. People Who Drive Slowly in the Fast Lane: Ok - this one REALLY irks me. Simply put, it's the PASSING lane. If you're not passing the car in front, stay in the right lane. The Europeans have got this concept down, why can't WE???

2. Telemarketers: Sorry. But this drives me crazy. It's so intrusive, and I understand that they're just doing their job. BUT COME ON PEOPLE. How many people actually change phone companies because you called?

3. New Medical Information: Ok. One week you can't do "this" or "this" is bad. Then next, you're supposed to take 10x the dosage to cure something "else". Drives me crazy.

4. People Who Forget What It's Like To Be A Young Mom: Now - I honestly don't know any of these personally, but I'm talking about the lady who looks at you in the supermarket as your one son tries to climb out of the cart while the other one is screaming that they have to go potty NOW - all while you're trying to put the food on the conveyor belt. These "ladies" who roll their eyes or mutter something to their other "lady" friends ... I want to ask "Would you please show some grace here? A smile? I'll gladly pay for it *GRIN*." I have to say this is a RARE thing ... most people in the line up smile and say "Two boys ... keeps you busy, huh." To which I smile and in that, saying "Thank you for being kind."

5. Children's Medicine: I am sad that Tylenol Cold is off the market for young children. I know, I know - it's for the best. And OBVIOUSLY I don't want my 2 year old to have a heart attack *duh*. But when my youngest has had a runny nose for 2 weeks - I'd love to be a bit pro-active. Going to the Doctor is a waste of time for colds ...

... I'm still working on my "big" post - but I'm a little afraid that I'm making it sound bigger than it is ... it's just a bit of work ... maybe tomorrow :-).

SO - what bugs you?


  1. a while ago I was on an airplane with aria who was 18mths so still sitting on my lap. She was an ANGEL but the guy beside us was HORRIFIED to be beside the girl with a baby. At one point he gave us a dramatic eye roll and sigh and she promptly turned and let out a HUGE sneeze all over him. That's how I feel about people who have no tolerance for young moms.
    I also cannot stand it when it takes someone 3.5 minutes to accelerate through a green light. it just bugs me.

  2. I'm totally with you on the driving slow in the fast lane!!! It drives me nuts like none other!

  3. Get out of the fast lane people! And yes, it is illegal to drive TOO slowly!

  4. Driving in the slow lane for sure...

    Another peeve... people asking me why I have not had children yet, me answering that I don't want to raise a family... and then that shocked expression I get (you know, the mouth open gape thing!). It's not everyone's calling to be a Mom and just cuz I'm a woman, doesn't mean I have to have a baby. Bless all of you that have that calling tho, it's the hugest, most important job in the world!

  5. duh I meant slow in the fast lane... LOL sorry... fried brain!

  6. When someone dozes thru the left-turn green arrow & you're stuck behind them waiting through another set of light-changes. Also, when people are snobs about "I don't watch tv" - NEWSFLASH - everyone in our country has watched tv at least a few times so get over it already, "Ewww - we NEVER eat at McDonald's" - NEWSFLASH - I try to never go there myself but we've all eaten there at least a few times in our lives....or snobs about not listening to "top 40" music, or about only liking art-house movies, or about not shopping at certain stores. They must be so much closer to God then! lol

  7. Latest pet peeve....when in a public washroom...would it be so difficult to leave a tail on the roll of toilet paper so that the next woman didn't have to scratch and scrape to get a few shreds of micro-thin paper? Think about it next time, ladies...be mindful of the next person in line.


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