05 April 2009

[talk: The Emergency Room]

Our Saturday had started out just fine. My hubby woke up - feeling really good and wanting to join me and the boys at their first ice skating lesson. We had asked my bro & sis-in-law to join us, as neither my hubby or I could actually get on the ice *smile*.

We had our usual pancake breakfast, got bundled and packed up and off we went. Our first family outing in almost a month.

Josiah hated it ... but by the end my brother had him warmed up to the idea of being on the ice. And Mattias - well he was off on his own, loving every moment of it. I knew that it was KILLING my hubby not being out there ... this was the "father/son" activity that he purposely had planned to do. Ah well - he WAS there and cheering his boys on. THAT was a great thing!! Then off to Tim Hortons for some yummy Timbits and family time.

But as the day went on - I found my body doing things that made me terribly uneasy, and after a quick visit to the walk in clinic to get checked, I was ordered to the emergency room. UGH. My hubby was unable to come so my fantastic sis-in-law gave up her afternoon and kept me company in the emerg for the next 4 hours. Other family came to our house to help my hubby with the boys.

Without going into the private details *blush*, the fear was that I was going into premature labour and my cervix was opening up. We were told that IF that was the case, there was nothing they could do. Being 18 weeks ensured a loss.

I had a really great doctor ... I felt he was very thorough and took time to hear what was going on. Of course, he asked about previous pregnancies - which of course brought up Shalom. And that's always a long conversation ... making sure to end it with the Genetic Testing done at the best hospital in the city and with good results.

After blood tests, urine tests, and a lovely internal *grin*I was told that all looked fine. We also heard a strong heartbeat. YAY! However, I've been put on bed-rest, in that I am not to do anything more than the minimum when it comes to lifting, moving, carrying, bending, stretching etc ... I'm not sure for how long, so hopefully if I take it easy for a couple of weeks it'll all go well again.

I have my scheduled ultra sound for Wednesday. Of course, this brings a little panic to my heart, but knowing that the heartbeat and such is fine, I am choosing to believe that we have nothing to worry about. And I am hoping my hubby can come with me to that appointment ... it will be so much easier to walk through with him there, good or bad.

So that's the latest 'round here *smile*. How 'bout NO DRAMA for a good 48 hours?? I'm passing the mantle on to someone else *grin*.

Here are some pics of the skating lessons ...


  1. Oh Tawn, I'm so glad you are okay. It's gotta be so, so hard. Take it easy....it's so worth the extra time and (lack of) effort to sacrifice. Prayin' for you all

  2. Darren and Bonnie are awesome - love that they were both able and willing to step in for you and both boys! Prayers for a great Wednesday. Janean

  3. Wow, Tawn. It's getting to be that I'm a bit apprehensive when I see you have a new post. And if it's a downer for me, how much more freaking hard must it be for you!! Wish I could be there to help you out in any way that I could. But please know that I am praying for all of you, especially that little one inside you (who I think is a girl).

  4. thanks for all your words!!

    And Cara ... didn't mean to get you down *smile* ... and I put a happy post up today!! It's about time, don't you think *laughing*!!


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