13 September 2009

[talk: The Beach]

This weekend was super sunny, so we headed to the beach with some friends. I love the beach - but with being super preggo this past summer, I never managed to make it out, and enjoy the smell of the ocean. And the boys LOVE it there ...

After the beach, we headed for a family lunch - then a little stroll at the outside mall. It was a great family day, although Tias ended up throwing up in the parking lot (niiiiiice). He seems to do that when he eats a little too many sweets (we had yummy cupcakes) ... and is excited about what he's doing.

I've been feeling overwhelmed these last few days. Overwhelmed with emotion - of feeling so blessed, of feeling so nervous that something has to go wrong, because things are going so wonderfully. But I so appreciated our pastor's sermon on "Keeping the Faith" this weekend, and for me - it meant remembering to walk in faith. And that means exchanging my fears for faith - and as I said in a previous blog post - both fear and faith have to do with the future, and it's up to me to chose one. So, I'm choosing faith *smile*.
This week is full of firsts for us ... Mattias starts kindergarten, he starts hockey & music class too. All while my husband is in London, England (he leaves Tuesday morning). So --- I'm feeling a little nervous about getting it all in on a few hours of sleep. I'm believing for longer stretches in sleep between Katia's feedings, and a smile on my face for this week *smile*. I REALLY don't want to be "grumpy mom" ... if you think of me, any prayers are appreciated *smile*!!

Oh!! And a new family pic was taken ... not perfect, but it certainly warms my heart. Thanks KW for helping us out with it ...

Have a great one!


  1. Understand the "grumpy mom" thing...trying really hard not to be that way myself. I have a 3 mth old, and our sleep at night really started improving awhile ago, but now back to a couple times a night, so I am one sleep deprived mama too.

    Hope all goes well with you handling the kids on your own!

  2. I believe that "sleep deprived" is the new "cool"! ;-) Remember to schedule some "doing nothing" moments in your afternoon, Momma!


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