16 September 2009

[tias: First Day of Kindergarten]

Well ... a couple of days with no blog post - I was starting to get the shakes *grin*.

I'm having a quiet morning, as my hubby left for London yesterday and the boys stayed the night at my parents for a "grandparents FUN day" today. So, Katia and I are chilling in our jammies ... and I thought that I'd catch up on some blogging too ...

Yesterday was Tias' first day of Kindergarten. He was TERRIBLY excited, barely slept the night before. And it was also "picture day", so he got all dressed up in his little tie and plaid shirt. SO cute ... well, I think so *wink*.

After drop off, I took my hubby to meet his buddy whom he was to be traveling with to London. Then, after a day with Siah and Katia, I went back to the school to pick up Tias. The teacher said he was excellent, but during the story time (which was about leaving mom at home while going to the first day of school) the teacher said, "I'm so impressed that there weren't any tears today." To which Tias put up his hand and said, "I had crying on the inside, but I just didn't let it come out." How sweet is that??? Definitely a scrapbooking quote!

So much more to share ... you'll have to wait until tomorrow though. So many posts, not enough time *smile*.
Have a great one!


  1. "Crying on the inside" ?? How sweet is that! I love how children express themselves - so honest and pure :)

  2. Oh Mattias...how genuinely sweet are you!!! And SO brave :)


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