13 October 2009

[be challenged: Boxes of Love]

ALMOST forgot that I was scheduled to work at Tias' school this morning ... so I'm up up and away .... but I didn't forget to put up a post *smile*. Now that the weather seems to have turned, reading blogs with a warm drink seems like the right thing to do *grin* ...

This weekend we finished our family's "Boxes of Love" and it was such a great family time!

Every year, our church asks the congregation to get involved, and take home a shoebox. Inside is a list of ideas to fill it with - so great- and then once it's filled, we're to bring it back so it can get shipped to the Village of Hope, in Africa. We always do one for each child that we have - so this year we did three.

I had taken the boys, and Katia *smile*, to Walmart and we shopped off the list. Toothpaste, tooth brushes, soap, pencil crayons, notebooks, toys ... we had so much fun! And the boys were all over, "Mom - I think this would make our friends in Africa happy ...".

I think that teaching our children to care for others is such an important thing. And after seeing how much our children grasped this idea, I am looking for other things to do WITH them to TEACH them. And that lead to a FANTASTIC lesson on the true meaning of being "thankful", this Thanksgiving.

One thing that we'll be doing for sure, is the World Vision Gift Catalogue again this year. I posted on this last year, and it is SUCH a great idea. Check last year's post for all the info ... We intend on having our boys look through and see what THEIR money can do for others.
SO - be challenged. Be generous - we all have something that we can give, big or small.

Have a great one!

1 comment:

  1. We have our World Vision catalogue out too and I've talked to our kids about giving a gift from money that I would normally spend for them and buy gifts for children who need it more than we do for Christmas. They are really excited--I look forward to thinking of more ideas too that I can do with my kids to teach them about giving, after all, it is more blessed to give than to receive!! :0)


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