Aren't we just so blessed?
I mean, the financial strain that the majority of us live under is due to our own choice of a high standard of living, don't you think? Realistically, we could live in smaller homes, have less expensive vehicles, less clothes, less of pretty much of everything. I'm sure that most would agree that we are blessed in so many ways.
I'm a big fan of prosperity, don't get me wrong. I think that having a strong work ethic and high motivation for a better life is a good thing - a Godly thing. But with that comes much responsibility. The Biblical parable of the "talents" comes to mind - and it's a challenge as to what to do with what God has given us. Saving for our comfortable future isn't necessarily God's perfect plan - but He is very specific about our call to the poor.
For Mattias' birthday, a family friend gave him a soccer ball along with a World Vision Card stating that 3 other soccer balls were given to children who didn't have any, in honour of Mattias' birthday. HOW FANTASTIC is that!! My friend told me of how World Vision has a catalog of things you can "buy" online for those less fortunate. Price ranges are from very small to extravagant - and the whole idea just excites me!
Imagine this - giving your girlfriend a blanket for Christmas and a World Vision Card that states a blanket has been given to someone in a remote village in the cold of China. Or giving your mom a casserole dish, along with a card letting her know that one has also been given to a family in Haiti.
I am so challenged by this - and I wonder what kind of change we could do if we gave LESS to each other, so we could give MORE to someone else. What would birthdays look like? What would Christmas look like? What would our children learn? How would our priorities change?
I think it would all be so good.
So, check out this site and be challenged as I was and dream big:
Hey T - we have started to do this as a family regularly at Christmas. Rather than gifts for each other, Steve and I pick something from the catalogue. When I look around, the one word that always comes to mind is ENOUGH. As in, I really do have it. God has blessed me enough. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I long for what I don't have (not need!), but then it comes back to the reality that I have enough. Love it. Janean
This is SO cool!!! I will definitely have to look into it!
I SO love that idea, Tania!! I've already bookmarked the World Vision website and I'm going to mention it to my family for Christmas this year. An AWESOME idea!
~Jenn VH
We've done this around Christmas time and have given a chicken and piglets if I recall. I had the brochure at work and a co-worker saw it, took the idea home with her and decided that her family would buy something as well. (they aren't Christians, which you obviously don't have to be, it was just cool that her family was so on board about it.) I like the idea of doing this for gifts all year round...thanks for the reminder of just how much we have!
I'm Susan by the way, we've never met but I've "seen" you (your comments) on both Amanda & Shawna's blogs.
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