21 September 2010

[big dreams: Being Reminded]

I haven't forgotten ...

It's been a few months since I put it out there - and asked you if you'd be interested in joining along side me in sharing your story.  So many women contacted me, women who had a child pass through sickness, miscarriage, or accident ...  even women who were unable to carry a child biologically, offered their stories of invetro, adoption and fostering ... all with endings that were heart breaking, but strong stories of survival with the Cross as their anchor.

And I haven't forgotten.

It just seemed that although it was the right time for me to walk forward in this, it wasn't super convenient for everyone else during the summer months. And there were some of you that were totally "in", and then felt overwhelmed and decided that you just couldn't do it ... so - I waited.

So.  This past Sunday morning I had another reminder ... after I led worship at our church, a man approached me with tears in his eyes and a piece of paper in his hand.  He said, "I remember - you, you lost a baby, right?"  ... and I nodded, knowing exactly where this was heading.  "My daughter just lost another baby, " he said.  "And I think this one has been just too much."

He shared her story with me, asked if I would mind contacting her - and at that split moment I was so angry that I hadn't followed through this summer with the book.  How I wish I could have it to give her, to show her she's not alone, that her child matters, that she can and will survive.

Another gentle reminder for me.

SO.  It's fall, we're all getting settled into schedules ... nighttime is getting earlier and so are cozy nights at home.  Are you willing to take some time to prepare and share your story?  Have you had a journey that you know would comfort another?  Would you like your experience to have a purpose - to encourage and breathe life into another?

Then, please ... please - email me at tawnsblog@hotmail.com .  And let's get this thing going.

** Please read this PREVIOUS POST on the details of the book I'm hoping to be putting together.  **

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